Introduction proxy

The operating principle of a proxy server is very simple: it is a server "mandated" by an application to query the Internet instead. Thus, when a user connects to the Internet using a client application configured to use a proxy server, it will connect first to the proxy server and give him his request. The proxy server will then connect to the server that the client application tries to join and to transmit the request. The server will then give its response to the proxy, which in turn will send it to the client application.

Clearly, the starting IP address is completely hidden, and only the IP address of the proxy appears in the log service contacted.

Advantage: You appear more with your own IP address
Disadvantage: Depending on the type of proxy used (public: free, private: paying) the rate may be very low.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5 Top Tips For Advertising Your Proxy Site

Proxy sites are in high demand 9 of the 12 months in the year, apart from summer time they have small dips following the terms of schools but apart from this demand is increasingly high year after year.

So you may question why it is that you don't receive any traffic at all, well the fact is that unless you have a great domain name which people will type in to the search browser with out searching for it then you need to publicise your proxy site as with any other form of website proxy sites need advertising.
The best techniques I have learnt for promoting proxy sites have been these next 5 top tips.

Submit your proxy site to proxy submission sites
Now you may assume that I am talking about proxy top sites, the websites which force you to make a repricol link otherwise your proxy site won't be advertised on their website. Well i am not on about these sites, and to be honest I would never use these websites. They slow down your proxy site and make it look tacky, also the top sites are benefiting much more than you are in most cases.

I am however all for proxy submission websites these websites allow you to add your proxy URL for free but usually give you the choice to add a paid proxy link. These websites usually offer great traffic or at least good enough traffic for the 2 minute free submission that was little effort, so look out for these forms of proxy sites.

Search engine submission and SEO
Search engine optimisation is my first and most important form of creating traffic to any of my websites, you could say I am addicted to SEO. However the results are always great, the only problem with SEO is that it is a long term strategy which takes time and patience. SEO is not something that you can apply and see results from straight away, it takes months.

Yahoo has two different forms of advertising which I love, Yahoo groups and Yahoo answers both in the past have offered me large amounts of traffic for free with little to no effort.

Yahoo answers
The idea here is that you answer as many relevant questions regarding proxy sites as you can, leaving your proxy site URL in the answer they then click on the URL and so do many others, pretty simple.

Yahoo Groups
You find relevant proxy groups and promote your proxy site through creating a thread when you have joined and asking people to go on to your proxy site. Again that's quite a simple one.

Social networking websites
Sites such as MySpace or facebook, tell your friends about your website your proxy site is in high demand and most people use them so tell everyone you know and tell them to tell everyone they know, viral marketing is great.

Instant Messenger
The last one is fairly obvious but use your email addresses that you have to friends, relatives and enemies and email them with your proxy site in the email. Don't go emailing them thousands of times just the once will do, you may receive a couple of hits through this technique if your lucky viral marketing will again take effect.
Overall the best technique for increasing traffic with your proxy sites is being creative and focused. Focus on one form of advertising and stick with it until you prevail, experiment and trial and error always take place with any form of promotion.

If you want to learn more about proxy promoting, SEO, Internet marketing, Blogging and more then visit Blogging tips
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